The board game bar! Really laid-back, with a WALL of board games. We played bilingual Scrabble and Taboo in Spanish...so much fun!

She has a son...his name is Miguel, he's 32, and he's awesome. I've never had an older brother so it's really fun (he totally acts like a legit big brother...really protective about me going out or meeting guys). Sometimes he makes me Jello (which I call "hello" to sound more Spanish) because he knows I love it, so that has won him some major points. His girlfriend Maggie lives in the house too. She's from LA and is hilarious. I don't think she has a censor in her brain, so she says exactly what she's thinking when it pops into her head..it get's a little inappropriate sometimes, good thing no once else in the house can understand English lol. Still not finished...
Abuelita lives here too! She is 94, doesn't speak, and i'm pretty sure she can't really hear or see either. She just makes crazy noises and coughs all the time...as bad as it sounds, it's actually kind of entertaining, and she is totally a trooper for still being alive! Our dog Blackie (a cocker spaniel, or cocker spainiard if you think like i do) guards Abuelita like it's his job. She's a very well-protected lil ol lady =) And last but absolutely not least...
I have two American hermanas!! Amanda is from my program and Jess is from another and they are both amaaaaazing. It's so nice to eat meals together, exchange glances when Abuelita sounds like she's dying, and laugh constantly about all of the hilarious things that are inevitably occurring in the house. I am soooo lucky to live with them, they've made being here so much fun Watchin a Real Madrid soccer game with las hermanas...we're hardcore fans
My neighborhood is awesome. I'm on a great family-oriented street. I live right above a Zara (a great clothing store) and down the street from other shops, movie theaters, cafes, etc. I'm a short metro ride away from all of the best areas, and can walk to school in 15 minutes...so convenient! That's the basic overview of my casa, I promise there will be many fun tales to come!